"The largest impact I have experienced through this program is the shift in the relationship with my children." - Jennifer


No parent starts off knowing what to do, children do not come with instructions..


I'm Ready to Start

Start enjoying parenting again…

Imagine this. It's 10am on a Saturday morning and already you've fought with your child numerous times...

You feel like you're tip-toeing around and on edge trying to avoid the next conflict... trying to play it safe.

You feel exhausted and even though you know how you don't want to deal with the tantrums, the attitudes, the struggle, you have no idea what else to do....

So you find yourself letting it all build up until you feel so overwhelmed and burnt out that it just happens.... the yelling, the ordering, the fighting, the crying.

And afterwards, you just feel defeated. What is wrong with me? What is the problem? Why can't I do this?

The exhaustion and shame sets in.

Now imagine your Saturday morning like this…

Your child is struggling and needing your help. You are able to confidently navigate their needs and figure out a solution that works for everyone.

In the moments where you need to set boundaries, you are able to do so in a way that feels good and empowering.

You are able to enjoy your Saturday with your family and even find yourself relaxing.

How to Transform your Parenting
(without all the guesswork)


Now before you start to protest, this second scenario IS possible!

Not only can you have a strong connection with your child, but you can also parent with confidence by:

  • Learning what your strengths, challenges, default patterns, and values are
  • Understanding attachment and how we can use our relationship with our children to work with them
  • Learning about our nervous systems and how we can stop reacting to situations in ways we don't want to by decreasing stress and overwhelm
  • Making sense of emotions and how to express our needs (and help our children to express their needs) in ways that get them met
  • Promote more connection but understanding barriers to our relationship with our children and how to overcome them
  • Learn the steps to having empowered conversations and the communication skills to navigate conflicts and more
  • Establish boundaries with our children in a way that feels good and within the values of your family
  • Exploring anger and how to utilize healthy aggression strategies
  • And how to access play in a way you actually enjoy to build connection and set limits

So for years, I researched, trained and personally trialed these strategies while raising my own kids (and fielding questions from other parents) until I knew this was the real deal.

Whether you've other parenting programs and quit when you felt it wasn't working, felt overwhelmed by the mere thought, or didn't even consider it because who the heck has time for this?

I see you. I hear you. I was you — I know how distressing it feels to struggle every single day.

And to this day, I hear fears and frustrations like these from parents all. the. time.

Get Started

I became a parenting coach because I saw so many good parents struggling with their children. A journey I was all too familiar with. When the pandemic hit, I became the kind of mom I never wanted to be and really was not enjoying being a parent. I knew my old way of parenting plus stress and overwhelm was breaking my connection with my kids but no matter what I tried, nothing was working until I went through this coaching program myself. The experience was life changing and went far beyond my parenting.

Once I understood and experienced how possible it was to turn things around and build the relationship I wanted with my children, I became deeply passionate about supporting other families in this life-changing work.

I am a mom of three amazing children ages 4, 6, and 8. They teach me new things about myself and life daily and have helped me grow so much as a human. My background includes supporting parents in group homes, as a family life educator, and as a foster parent.

I strongly believe there are no bad parents, just a lack of support and skills they haven't yet had access to. I love the work I do in helping parents realize their true parenting potential and how amazing their relationships with their kids could actually be.

 Introducing My Transformational

Parenting Course...

Transformational Parenting equips parents with the tools, skills and know-how to confidently navigate parenting in our modern world.
In this 12 week program, I provide informational videos, 1:1 coaching, a workbook to implement your learning, and more so you can feel confident in parenting and enjoy your relationship with your family.

Here's what you'll get when you enroll in this course today:

  • 12 modules based on a different area of parenting so you can understand where you currently are and start to make steps towards being the parent you really want to be
  • Straight forward information so you can make sense of all that parenting involves and take steps specific to your own family
  • 1:1 coaching calls that will allow you to ask questions, get support with challenges, recognize your own strengths, learn self-compassion, and anything else that you may need to succeed.  
  • A step-by-step workbook which allows you to implement what you are learning based on your own needs, challenges, as well as navigate parenting within your personal and family values.
  • Your own personal login so you can access everything you need—anywhere, anytime, forever (that's right, you'll never lose access).
Book your First Session Here
"If this is what you would've told me I needed in the beginning, I would've laughed at you."
Going through this program with Megan has been a life-changing experience. After just a couple weeks I noticed a change in my family and how my children were interacting with me. There were moments where they were listening more and we were actually starting to enjoy our time together.
Parenting at first was so exhausting and a constant battle with my kids. By the end of the program, I felt able to meet their needs with confidence, conflict didn't scare me so much, and our days just felt way easier. Beforehand I thought my kids just needed more discipline. But it turns out, this program and all it had to offer was really what we needed."
— Heidi B.
"Our daughter's behaviour and aggression decreased dramatically after we went through this program. By the end, we had a clear path to help her when things got rough."
We have had such wonderful success with this program. Our daughter was so frustrated all the time which led to SO MUCH aggression from her - the hitting, yelling, throwing. It was a lot. And we needed to find something to help as we felt we couldn't go on much longer. Within a few weeks, we already started seeing changes and her frustration level decreased dramatically in a short period of time. Not only was she able to learn more ways to communicate, we were able to utilize skills to stop us from joining into her chaos and instead support her from a place of strength.
We are grateful for having found this program to help our daughter and ourselves. I rave about it to everyone we know and encourage them to seek out this support."
— Parents to Genevieve

 What You Can Expect After Transformational Parenting


  • Learn the most up to date research around parenting and finally make sense of it all and how it actually applies to you. Feel confidence knowing exactly what to do in any moment of parenting, including setting boundaries, and strengthen your parent-child bond. 
  • Reclaim your time (and mental energy) now that you're not spending hours researching how (or constantly attempting) to navigate conflict with your children and getting nowhere.
  • A strong understanding of your own needs, strengths, patterns and more so you can respond to parenting situations instead of just reacting. Decrease yelling, frustrations, shame, guilt and comparison.
  • A closer parent-child bond than ever before, as you learn to meet your children where they are at and meet their needs, resolve conflicts, and communication openly.
  • Master dozens of applicable skills so you're not second-guessing yourself every single day with your children.

And don't be surprised if your whole family dynamic changes for the better.  This way of parenting will allow for much more joy and ease between all members.

Get Started
"I wanted so hard to stop yelling at my children. Every day I start out with the best of intentions but after a couple hours I would find myself yelling, feeling so much rage, and even throwing things. At the end of the day, I would just sit and cry with how bad days were. I just wanted to escape.
Desperate for change, I found Megan and reach out for her support. I was so close to just giving up and this program saved my family. It sounds dramatic but I really am not sure what would have happened if things kept going the way they were. All I know, is it wouldn't have been good.
Megan was so supportive and I felt no judgement despite talking about my darkest moments. She was able to accept where I was and help me to start making the smallest steps to where I wanted to be. I couldn't handle much but even the smallest things started to make changes and helped me start making space for the bigger changes.
I cannot explain how life-changing this program is. To be able to support my children, even during my most triggering moments, in a way I can feel good about. Without yelling or scaring them. And ending my days with joy and compassion instead of shame and self-hatred. It's hard to put into words. But needless to say, I couldn’t imagine our lives without it!"
— Jessica
"Thank you for teaching us how to work as a team to support our children.
Before we started this program, we were constantly fighting about parenting and what to do with our kids. We couldn't agree on anything...discipline, rewards, styles, even the fun things. Everything just felt like such a fight. 
After this program, we realized where the disconnect was and started communicating with each other. We finally felt like a team and were able to support our children instead of constantly fighting. Not only has this changed so much for us, but we've noticed a huge change in our kids as well."
— Wendy & Sean
I'm Ready Now

Why You Need to Enroll Now

Maybe you're thinking "My child isn't old enough…" or "I'm so busy, I won't find the time…" or "I don't know if it's really necessary…"

But here's the thing…

Your child is growing up, whether you're ready to admit it or not.

And the longer you wait to make changes, the harder it gets. Learning these strategies now will not only help you, but will allow you to pass this knowledge and skills to your children. Which helps make things easier for everyone!

That's why I recommend this program for children of all ages! Each day doesn't need to be a struggle and you can enjoy parenting again. You don't need to wait until a better time... that time is now!

It's that simple.

Don't miss this opportunity to bond with your children, get the support you need, and change your family forever in the best ways.

Because before you know it, they'll be adults themselves ready to head into independence.

Parenting used to be so exhausting. Trying to work, juggle all the to-do's and show up as the parent I wanted to be felt impossible.
This program not only helped me realize what I really valued and wanted in my family but also how to apply it. I realized I was living so much of my life trying to parent by other's expectations ... my parents, society, other parents.. and it just led to burnout and overwhelm.
After this program, I was not only able to figure out these things but also make significant changes in my life for the better. I was less stressed, my kids were less stressed, and I felt more confident in my ability to say no to things that no longer aligned. My whole family dymanic shifted and we actually enjoyed each other again.
Are there still stressful times? Of course! But now I have the knowledge and tools to navigate them so they're just moments in our life instead of overwhelming, all-consuming struggles."
— Grateful Mom of Twins
I felt so lost before this. My only role models for parenting were my own parents, and all I knew was I wanted to parent my kids a different way.
Even with my own background in child development, I became so overwhelmed with parenting once my own child arrived. I didn't know where to turn. Was I doing this right? What was my best for my child? Everywhere I turned had different advice and I felt so confused. I constantly worried about if I was doing the right thing or if I was screwing my kids up. 
This program was exactly what I needed. It helped me figure out what parenting strategies I actually felt good about and would give me the results i wanted. I no longer felt like I had to second-guess every decision I made. The relief I've felt since has been worth every penny." 
— Cassidy

What Happens Next

After you sign up for your first session, you'll be taken to my booking page. Here you will find a time that works for you.
Upon payment of your first session, you will receive a few emails — one with your course login details and another welcome email from me!
Feel free to get started on the online information right away, or wait until the week we officially start — this program is run by a parent for parents (because I know how chaotic and unpredictable life with children is).
Book your First Session

What if everything you're struggling with when it comes to being a parent could be supported… without all the shame and guilt?

Let's Get Started
Unsure? Book a free 15 minute call