Attached at the Heart Parenting Program
A free 9 week program for parents of children ages 0-3 years to build a strong foundation of attachment to carry through into adulthood.
*In partnership with Families Matter*
Secure Attachment
The core of every loving relationship is a secure attachment.
A positive emotional bond with a parent affects how children feel about themselves, how they get along with others, how they communicate, and how they learn.
It is at its core, the most important child development experience a child has.
Register hereThe bond you create with your child sets their foundation for life.
Each of the nine sessions are designed to help you connect with your child, turn struggles into opportunities, find balance and support, and help your child flourish.
The Basics of Attachment
Understand the difference between bonding and attachment, learn how your own childhood experiences shape your parenting, learn the differences between ACES and PCEs, learn what the 8 principles of parenting through attachment are, and learn & implement the 4 innate needs of all children.
Feeding with Love & Respect
Learn ways to use feeding to promote attachment and bonding, learn how to positively shape early food experiences, and learn how to use family meals to promote connection.
Responding with Sensitivity
What is empathy and how to build it in our kids, how to respond to your child in a way to build attachment, what "serve and return" is and how it can build strong brains, understanding the three types of stress and strategies to overcome them, why crying/tantrums are overwhelming and what to do about it, and the importance of emotional support.
Providing Nurturing Touch
Why touch is critical to healthy development, benefits of certain kind of touch, how to provide nurturing touch, and how to continue these strategies with older children including navigating consent.
Ensuring Safe Sleep
Understanding normal sleep patterns, guidelines for safe sleep, establishing nighttime routines, and developing healthy sleep patterns.
Providing Consistent, Loving Care
How stress around caregivers can affect the the developing brain, how to choose childcare, working and alternative caregivers, and navigating co-parenting and separation.
Practice Positive Discipline
What positive discipline is, reasons why you should use positive discipline, how to establish boundaries, and the problems of using traditional discipline.
Striving for Balance in your Personal and Family Life
Understanding the importance of self care in promoting healthy attachment, focusing on yourself and your relationships as a parent, understanding how to promote resilience and beneficial decision-making, how to make your relationship with your partner strong (if applicable), and navigating how to find balance as a family.
Nurturing Children for a Compassionate World
Finding joy in parenting, the challenges parents face, how to handle unwanted advice, and navigating challenges including screens and technology.
Navigating all of the information about what you're supposed to be doing as a parent can drive a person crazy. I know this - because I was that person. When I first became a parent, I over achieved - trying to do it all, and be it all for my kids.
But in trying to do it all, I actually ended up over stressed, and not a very present mom.
As a mom of three and certified Parenting Coach with a Bachelor of Psychology focusing on development and attachment, a Child and Youth Counseling diploma, certifications in attachment and mindfulness coaching and nearly a decade working in the foster care system - its safe to say I have the resources and training to help you.
I've seen first hand what it looks like when a child doesn't have secure connections - and it's why I became certified to teach this parenting program, so together, we can support more generations of kids in building strong attachments.